Thank you for wearing pants

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Beer porn

Ran across a link on another website to this site, which is devoted to photographing beer through a microscope! What genius came up with this? This is a person that I really would like to meet. In fact, I'm considering switching to Windows just so I can use the "Beershots Screen Saver."

Just so you don't think this is totally a waste of mental energy and discretionary income, please take a moment to read about their methodology. It's a thorough discussion on techniques and scientific challenges that one faces when imaging beer microbiology. This is a project of the Florida State University and likely taxpayer subsidized. Some pork I can support.

The image above, by the way, is from a Red Stripe. Put it up because I just found out Indy pal Kenney Marlett is going to be in MoBay the same time I am in November and at the resort next door. As surely as we drained the Houston Hilton of Shiner Bock, we'll put a strain on the local supply of Red Stripe and jerk.


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